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Ambiance Creationen Yvonne Steiger-Salzmann (Thalwil)

0 Reviews

About Us

Ambiance Creations creates lasting floral works of art, a unique ambience of art, floral design, furnishings and decoration. Since 1995, I, Yvonne Steiger, as a trained florist, constantly develop my artistic expressions in floral design. I am always fascinated anew to coordinate the most diverse plants, greenery, plastics and materials with the furniture and furnishings, to combine everything with each other in creative communication.

"My motto: little is often more".

Often, less is more. Merging special furniture and furnishings into a single unit is a concern of mine.

I collect the most diverse design elements partly over years in the whole world. The creation of furnishings, art and floral interior design works as a whole individual.

Artists who feel addressed by my work are welcome to contact me. Perhaps we will realize a joint project in the future?

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Location and contact

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Ambiance Creationen Yvonne Steiger-Salzmann

  • office address office address

    Gotthardstrasse 6 8800 Thalwil

  • Yvonne Salzmann

  • Phone Phone
    0447... Show number 044 720 88 77
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Ambiance Creationen Yvonne Steiger-Salzmann

Tue - Fr
09:00 - 12:00 opening hours
14:00 - 18:00 opening hours
09:00 - 15:00 opening hours
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